a couple of months before the new year begun, i realized that karol can jump on two feet. i never really knew when he learned it. he is growing up so fast that he already started going to kindergarten at the beginning of the year.
he likes kindergarten so much. the first day he didn't even notice us leaving if we didn't call him to give us a kiss (which he didn't give in favor of trains).

the almost two and a half year old karol still likes toys with wheels (cars, trucks, trains, etc.) and i know i said he couldn't carry a tune, but he started singing more lately. he even goes as far as making his own lyrics by combining two different songs. some of his favorites:
"jingle bells! jingle bells! pussy's in the well"
"twinkle, twinkle spider..."
kuya karol is now more fascinated with andy than the first few weeks since andy came home. karol used to ignore andy's presence. lately however, he is eager to touch her and play with her :)