Friday, January 9, 2009

christmas at 4 months

just a few days after he turned 3 months, karol started rolling over. he did it just a few times but probably didn't fancy it. instead, he spends most of his time on his side, feasting on his fists, and turning clockwise.

since it's the holiday season, we celebrated his fourth month a couple of days later, in time for christmas. as usual, ate alex was the one to blow the candles while karol is mesmerized with the flames.

"ate, i think that's my cake!"
(behind: tita lucia, babicka and babka)

he's a very sturdy boy. it's amazing how he can already sit almost unsupported, and pull to a standing position. he actually prefers to stand than to sit :D

karol's first christmas
sitting on his early christmas present

take nth time: "mommy, i'm tired! waaaaah!!!"

christmas day with dedino, babina and babina's sister