Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 months

karol had a very eventful month. from rolling over to being sick and to being introduced to formula.

rolling over and other development
* just right after he turned 5 months, he started rolling over from back to tummy, but only on his left side.
* a couple of days after that, i played a game with him teaching him how to roll over from tummy to back. he started doing it by himself on the same day.
* in just a few more days, he became unstoppable. left side, right side, tummy or back. he rolls everywhere, and that's why he already fell from the bed :D
* sits with very little support. he doesn't fall forward when he doesn't try to grab things around him (which is like never) :D
* talks and opens mouth as if he's really saying something. much like a dubbed telenovela where the characters still open their mouths even after their lines were finished. (see video)
* used to try and rake the pictures on his gym. now beats everything with an open palm, and likes playing with the keyboard.
* explores and investigates things by tasting and sucking :))
* sucks his foot
* sleeps before 9pm when in a good mood. wakes up every 3-4 hours for feeding.
* birth mark (mole) appeared on the base of his left thumb. daddy found it and thought it was some dirt that didn't go away :)) (note: he also has a smaller-than-a-pea skin discoloration ("balat") on his tummy area.)

bcg shot complication
one bath time, daddy found an inflamed lymph node on his left shoulder. it quite big that it's visible to the naked eye, and another by palpation. well, at first we didn't know what they were until it was confirmed by ultrasound.

the surgical doctor told us that it might need to be surgically removed. of course we got scared. luckily, the other doctors thought otherwise. the nodes are getting smaller by themselves, although very slowly, without any medication. he still has them and we have to wait two more weeks to have it checked.

unfortunately when we visited one of the hospitals there were many sick babies/kids. at least we suspected, that karol probably got some virus which caused him to cough and have a bit of phlegm.

based on research, all symptoms pointed to a croupy cough (or croup). we didn't go to doctor but just advised us to give him calcium chloride (i still don't know what for) and multivitamins. these plus humidification solved the problem. it lasted for over a week but he fought it. what a strong boy!

beba 2 h.a. (a.k.a. nan)
yesterday, we tried to introduce formula. his pedia advised to give one full meal in the morning to try it out. unfortunately, karol had a different take on it. he totally rejected it. it could be the taste, his state of sleepiness, hunger, or all of the above.

today, he's officially a mixed-fed baby. he took the formula without any problems at all, well except for the few times that he was distracted by the tv. twice he fed 60ml of formula, continued with breastmilk, and fell asleep as usual.

6 months, 3 days, and approximately 10 hours...

...after karol was born, the inevitable happened -- the first fall.

he was having his afternoon nap on our bed as usual. i closed the bedroom door so that he would not be woken up by the ever loud and playful alex. but time passed...

alex was already sleeping at that time and i was planning the next week with hubby over skype. then, i suddenly heard a loud thudding sound. i immediately knew what happened. in an instant i blurted out "karol andrej!!!" while running to the bedroom. poor karol, on his tummy, right at the corner of our bed and my side table, crying.

he was crying so hard. so hard that when i picked him up he held his breath for a few seconds. it took a lot of "fooing" to get him to breath in again. he didn't cry very long, but i found a bump on the right side of his head. and later daddy found a small purplish bruise on his lower lip. oh, those poor big lips! :(

all things considered, it turned out ok. he was a bit fussy when i was putting ice on his bump. otherwise he was back to the normal, happy and playful baby in just a few minutes.