Thursday, February 26, 2009

6 months, 3 days, and approximately 10 hours...

...after karol was born, the inevitable happened -- the first fall.

he was having his afternoon nap on our bed as usual. i closed the bedroom door so that he would not be woken up by the ever loud and playful alex. but time passed...

alex was already sleeping at that time and i was planning the next week with hubby over skype. then, i suddenly heard a loud thudding sound. i immediately knew what happened. in an instant i blurted out "karol andrej!!!" while running to the bedroom. poor karol, on his tummy, right at the corner of our bed and my side table, crying.

he was crying so hard. so hard that when i picked him up he held his breath for a few seconds. it took a lot of "fooing" to get him to breath in again. he didn't cry very long, but i found a bump on the right side of his head. and later daddy found a small purplish bruise on his lower lip. oh, those poor big lips! :(

all things considered, it turned out ok. he was a bit fussy when i was putting ice on his bump. otherwise he was back to the normal, happy and playful baby in just a few minutes.

1 comment:

blue_palito said...

ayyy wawa naman ang baby :(