Saturday, May 7, 2011

it's all about cars

karol loves cars.

i don't know when karol started playing with cars. but i remember one of his very first cars was a gift from a kid in the playground. this boy has like thousands of them at home, that his dad decided to give karol one. unfortunately, we already lost it.

karol's collection has grown since then. he has all sorts of cars, trucks and everything wheels. he almost always never leaves home without one or two of them. however, no matter how many he has, he always ends up playing with other kids' cars; whether it be in playground or our friends' home.

one friend he remembers the most is kuya adrian. once in a while karol remembers him. sometimes, karol asks us if we are going to kuya adrian's house, and that kuya adrian has lots of cars.

in the morning, we told him that we will be going to the zoo. he got really excited and said, "yes! we will go to zoo's house. and we will play with zoom's* cars!"

karol loves cars!

*not a typo. karol is now mixing slovak and english. most of the time he adds the suffix -om to his words (e.g., autom (auto=car), bagrom (bager=digger)), sometimes even when it's not applicable :D

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